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Classic Italian Motorcycles

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MV Agusta - Kay861 S Arturo Magni ReplicaArticle1990Italian Bike May 2003EnglishDownload
MV Agusta750 S AmericaAdvertisement1975EnglishDownload
MV Agusta750 Sport Drum BrakeArticle1971SuperBike magazine March 1975EnglishDownload
MV Agusta600Test1970The Classic MotorCycle, June 1985. Test of red, drum brake 600.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta750 GTArticle1971Cycle Magazine, September 1973. 750 Sport and 750 GT.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta125 SportHandbook1975ItalianDownload
MV Agusta125 CorsaArticle1955Classic Bike, January 2003.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta125 Monoalbero RacerArticle1962The Classic Motorcycle, May 1994.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta350 Six-cylinder RacerArticle1969Classic Bike, August 1988EnglishDownload
MV AgustaCollection - WellingsArticleSuperbike, September 1980. Mark Wellings collection of MVs.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaCollection - David and Mark KayArticleMV Mad, Classic Bike, August 1989.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaCollection - Count AgustaArticleSale of the Century, Motorcycle International, May 1987.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaAgostini on Monza and the MountainHistoryAgostini on Monza and the Mountain. Classic Racer, Summer 1986.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaAgostini MV CareerHistoryFast Classics, June 1994. Agostini interviewed about his career with MV.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta500 TT RacerHistory1967Classic Racer, Summer 1987. Agostinis nightmare at the 1967 TT.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaArturo Magni InterviewHistoryAn interview with Arturo Magni. Motorcycle Illustrated, August 1973.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaRacers - Marque of ChampionsHistoryMarque of Champions, Classic Bike, October 2001.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaMV and Gilera RacersHistoryMisano Magic Classic Motorcycling Legends No. 10.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaMV Comes of Age - Part 2HistoryMV Comes of Age - Part 2, Motorcycle Sport, February 1971.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaMV Comes of Age - Part 5HistoryMV Comes of Age - Part 5, Motorcycle Sport, July 1971.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaMV Comes of Age - Part 3HistoryMV Comes of Age - Part 3, Motorcycle Sport, March 1971.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaMV Comes of Age - Part 4HistoryMV Comes of Age - Part 4, Motorcycle Sport, May 1971.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaMV Comes of Age - Part 1HistoryMV Comes of Age - Part 1, Motorcycle Sport, November 1970.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaSuperbike RacerHistory1979SuperBike, April 1979.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaLes Graham - The Unassuming World ChampionHistoryThe Unassuming World Champion - Robert Leslie Graham, Classic Motorcycle Legends No. 6.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaSurtees on MV Reads Finest HourHistorySurtees on MV Reads Finest Hour. Fast Classics, December 1996/January 1996.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaFour-cylinder SpecialsArticle500cc Marsh and 750cc sidecar outfit.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaKay ReplicasArticleThe Kays workshop and models. Classic Racer, January/February 2003.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaVarious - British Rally and ConcoursArticleBritish Rally and Concours, Motor Cycle Mechanics, January 1980.EnglishDownload
MV AgustaFour-cylinderTechnicalEnglishDownload
MV Agusta350 S IpotesiTest1977EnglishDownload
MV Agusta350 S IpotesiTest1977SuperBike July 1977EnglishDownload
MV Agusta350 SportTest1971Street Bike No. 21EnglishDownload
MV Agusta125 g.t.l.s.Parts Book1969ItalianDownload
MV Agusta350 SportManual1970Instruction manual in Italian, French and English.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta125 SportParts Book1975ItalianDownload
MV Agusta750 S AmericaTest1977Comparison test with 350 Cafe Royal. Superbike, February 1986.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta750 S AmericaTest1975Tuned 850 version. Motorcycle Sport, August 1977.EnglishDownload
MV Agusta750 S AmericaArticle1975Italian Motorcycles No. 4EnglishDownload
MV Agusta750 S AmericaTest1977Motorcycling Monthly, January 1978.EnglishDownload